Recent Publications

2024             Collaborative map making in a liminal and therapeutic ecosystem, published in the National                                                Biodiversity Network Newsletter, December

2024             A citizen science of data management, inclusiveness and influence on public policy, published in the                                National Biodiversity Network Newsletter, July

2024             What is an Elfchen Map? published in the National Biodiversity Network Newsletter, January

2023             Re-Mapping Storm Ciaran; published in the National Biodiversity Network Newsletter, December       

2023             Re-Mapping Newbourne Springs Nature Reserve, Suffolk; published in the National Biodiversity Network                        Newsletter July

2023            Foraging behaviour among four species of tit in Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve                                                   (January and February 2023), published in the National Biodiversity Network, Newsletter, April

2022            Citizen Science and Climate Justice Strategy, published in the National Biodiversity Network,                                             Newsletter,  December

2022             Felixstowe leads in community-based conservation, published by East Anglia Bylines, 6 December.

2022            Creating Sustainability in Community-based Conservation, published in the Suffolk Biodiversity                                                    Information Service's Summer News Letter, pages 13 - 14. It was also published in the National                                          Biodiversity Network's July News Letter

2021             Meditations on Dante's Divine Comedy, in Kindred Spirit, September / October, pages 28 - 29. 

2021             Python data visualization and improved local biodiversity, published by the National Biodiversity Network,                                 Newsletter, July

2021             Growing a Community, in WildEast, June 2021, 

2021             Managing the value of R technology in citizen science, published by the National Biodiversity Network,                                     Newsletter, January

2020           Are the Himalayas still sacred? in Kindred Spirit, November / December 2020, pages 22-24

2020           Scaling up a Community Nature Reserve, in Communities, Autumn 2020, pages 47 - 49 

2020           Therapeutic Walking along the Yangtse River, China, in The Art of Healing vol 2, Issue 71,                                                              pages 38 - 41

2020           Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve: Fifth Anniversary, published in the National Biodiversity                                                Network Newsletter, June 2020

2019           Therapeutic Walking on the Antarctic Peninsula,  published in Kindred Spirit,                                                                                    November / December 2019, pages 39 - 41

2019           Wintu Wisdom, in Kindred Spirit, March / April edition, pages 52 - 55

2019           Felixstowe's Citizen Science Group becomes a learning organisation                                                                                               National Biodiversity Network

2019           Collaborative Mapping in Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve, in Communities,                                                                     Spring 2019, pages 54 - 56

2019           The Region of Ice and Snow: The Changing Perceptions of Antarctica'                                                                                              in Resurgence and Ecologist, January / February 2019, pages 42 - 45.

2018           Web based GIS in Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve                                                                                                                Sustainability TV, Canada

2017            Nature in the Community  Little Green Space

2017            How to create new nature reserves, in Communities, Summer 2017, pages 62 - 64

2017            The nature reserve that social media built     Positive News 

2017            How to create new nature reserves,    Sustainability TV, Canada

2017            How to create a community nature reserve, Nonviolence, Winter / Spring 2017, pp 50 - 53

2016            The Nature Reserve built through Facebook     Resurgence and Ecologist (July / August)

2016            Felixstowe's Community Nature Reserve   Home Farmer, April 2016, pp 30 - 32

© 2018 Anthony Garfield. All rights reserved.
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